Facts and Events That Happened in This Year
Manhattan Bridge opens for traffic.
Inventor Leo Baekeland patented the first thermosetting plastic, Bakelite, which sparked the birth of the plastics industry.
The Cherry Mine disaster in Illinois killed 259 miners in a coal mine fire.
Phantom of the Opera makes its Literary Debut.
French aviator Eugène Lefebvre tragically died in an airplane crash, making this day the first-ever aviation fatality.
The first installment of concrete was poured into the Panama Canal.
American steamship S. S. Arapahoe became the first to use the signal 'SOS' off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA.
28-year-old chemist Eugène Schueller founded a beauty company, which would later be named L'Oreal.
Glenn Curtis sold the first airplane in the US for just $5,000.
The Giro d'Italia cycle race is held for the first time.
The British runner, Henry Barrett, ran a world record marathon at 2 hours, 42 minutes, and 31 seconds in the Polytechnic Marathon in London.
The first Converse shoes were introduced.
The Roman Catholic Church declared Joan of Arc a saint.
Sixty-six Jewish families founded the City of Tel Aviv.
Americans reached the North Pole.
William Howard Taft takes the oath of office, becoming the twenty-seventh President of the United States.
A color motion picture is shown to the general public for the first time.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded in the U.S.
The world's first synthetic plastic is developed.
A Morse code distress call was made at sea, which led to the first radio sea rescue.